How Linnet's life changed for the better in four years
There is a story, often a long story, behind every graduation. And Linnet's graduation was no exception.
In 2014, Linnet, who at the time was already a mother of two, lived in Katanga close to our (Hope for Life) office. As a young mother, life was tough for her. The father of her children was not able to contribute much to the family, who lived in a single roomed home, which flooded each time it rained. There was nowhere dry to lay and so the family often got wet whilst sleeping; not a suitable environment to bring up children. Linnet often struggled at home being with a partner who was not supportive, unfaithful and who later became abusive.
When Linnet felt she couldn’t continue with life as it was, she approached Hope for Life (HFL) and asked to join our inhouse vocational training program and study hairdressing. Linnet was desperate to acquire a skill that would enable her take care of her family and avoid being dependent on her husband.
Linnet (second from right) at her graduation
HFL awakened the hope Linnet had lost and greatly boosted her self-esteem, particularly after counselling and support from Daisy, one of our staff. In 2015, because Linnet was a very committed and actively involved in her hairdressing class, HFL sponsored her to study cosmetology at YMCA Comprehensive Institute in Kampala, and in 2016, we celebrated with her as she graduated with a certificate in cosmetology.
Linnet’s story doesn’t end with her graduation though. Our vision is to see families that are self-sufficient and free from poverty.
Today (2019), Linnet has moved out of Katanga, away from the father of her children and works at a beauty salon, where she has worked since finishing her studies. She has her own clients and so works six days a week to earn as much as possible for herself and a better future for her children.
When we met with Linnet again recently, it was amazing to see a young woman (25 years old), full of confidence in her ability as a hairdresser, and hear her speak positively about her future. When we asked if life was good now, we were shocked to not hear her reply with a resounding yes. She could only muster, ‘life is fair’. When we pushed and asked, ‘Why only fair? Aren’t you happy to be earning a self-sufficient income?’, she replied, ‘I can’t say it is good because [the reality is] you can be good in the morning but by evening you can be mourning’.
After this sobering comment, Linnet was quick to explain how deeply appreciative she is of the support she has received from Hope for Life over the past 5 years and she extended a huge thank you to all the supporters of Hope for Life.
Linnet was not supported by a single sponsor but instead supported with the surplus we receive from each person sponsoring a child. Thank you to the 50 plus sponsors who have made it possible for Linnet to be earning that self-sufficient income, living free from both poverty and harmful relationships.
We are looking for more sponsors for children and young adults. If you want to empower and equip individuals and families to earn a self-sufficient income then get in contact to find out more information.