VIDEOS | The Importance of Education with Rebecca, Ronnie and Doreen
Rebecca has been teaching children in the catch-up class over the past 8 years, preparing children for formal schooling.
Now we have 60 children sponsored into school, Rebecca works to alongside those students and their families, providing support where needed towards a self sufficient living.
Ronnie is 13 and is currently a P.7. student in a local school in Kampala. He and his family has been a member of Hope for Life Katanga for the past 7 years.
Ronnie is a humble boy and obedient both at home and at school, he concentrates on his studies, having good performance in all his classes.
Whilst in the HFL catch-up class, Ronnie gained self-confidence and self-esteem, as we, his family and teachers observe while interacting with others. This has enabled him to believe in his potential to excel in his studies. He looks forward to pass his final Primary Leaving Examinations with flying colors.
He was given hope and an opportunity to create a better future for himself. Joining HFL was a breakthrough for Ronnie and his family concerning his academic life. With the opportunity to go to school, Ronnie works hard in school to ensure that he can give his mother and siblings a better life in the future. His mother looks on him with great pride as Ronnie progresses through school from one stage to another.
Doreen, like Ronnie has been with HFL for 7 years now, progressing through the years during that time. Doreen is currently midway through her senior studies, looking forward to the next chapter in her life when she can study to become a Nurse.