We are now 5 years old!
We celebrated five years of Hope for Life Katanga working in Uganda, with a fundraiser in Bristol and over 160 people in attendance. We are pleased to announce that £4,350 was raised on the night (not including Gift Aid and those who on the night have committed to giving monthly). In 2011, Megan and Mark teamed up with Francis, Moses and Joshua, to enable families in Uganda to realise their potential towards living a self-sufficient life. Five years later and we are working directly with close to 100 individuals in our Education and Livelihoods programs, as well as their families.
“People don’t live in poverty because they are lazy but because they lack the same opportunities that we have to make a living. ”
Over the past five years we have been seeking to provide individuals with the many opportunities that we often take for granted; opportunities in education, vocational training, access to micro finance, healthcare and all the necessary support designed to enable individuals to generate a sustainable income and become self-sufficient.
Our focus over the coming year is;
- We want to renovate an existing building that we own in Katanga, to create a space for the entrepreneurs that will be graduating our tailoring and hairdressing classes this December. This provision seeks to benefit the 15 individuals graduating this December and we have the required funds to see this happen from January.
- We are going to invest more funds into sending individuals into accredited vocational training colleges. The funding we currently have will provide four individuals with an opportunity for vocational training starting January but our aim is to see 10 individuals start vocational training in 2017, so we are currently looking for supporters who will be able to provide an Ugandan's training fees for £30/month.
- We are going to provide Income Generating Grants to support individuals that have an already established business but require extra capital or equipment to see their business flourish and earn enough income to sustainably support their family. We currently looking to increase the amount of money available to give as grants to our beneficiaries in 2017.
If you are interested in regularly supporting the work of our Livelihoods program and would like to Kick Start a Career today then please get in touch using the form below.
A massive thanks to all those who came to the event and made the night so memorable. A big thanks to Beth and Laura for organising the event and to all the amazing volunteers who gave their time & energy to make the evening a great success.