January Fundraising Challenge
To support our new fundraising priorities (Fundraising Priorities for 2024), some of our good friends are running a charity challenge in January 2024 to raise funds for our work in Katanga, Uganda.
The idea is simple: complete 310,000 steps in January (10,000 a day) alongside at least one additional goal. The additional goal can be to run a certain distance, hike a mountain, swim a kilometre, give up alcohol etc. We’d love for this to be a team challenge and to get friends and family involved. A maximum of six people in a team works best. You will all have the same collective goal, 310,000 steps each. So for a team of 6 the collective aim is for 1,860,000 alongside individual goals set.
For some people 10,000 steps a day is easily achieved. For others, it will be a big effort to complete. But the idea is that anyone and everyone can participate. No matter your ability, we'd recommend setting goals to really push yourself in the month and support with fundraising.
Whilst a wellbeing challenge should always be encouraged on its own merit, we encourage individuals to raise £50 per person for completing the challenge. Like the wellbeing challenge, if you are in a team, you’ll have the same collective goal of £300 for a team of six.
We would love for as many groups and individuals to take part! If you are interested and would like to register a team/your entry please email Joe at joe@hopeforlifekatanga.com who can provide full details!