#MatchitMay update: Jordan's post

 My name is Jordan and I'm a volunteer for Hope for Life Katanga. for #MatchitMay this year I've decided to match the snacks I buy outside of meal times. 

 I decided to do this for two reasons. Firstly, I love snacks. Chocolate, sweets, crisps, pastries; you name it! I think I waste a considerable amount of money per month on snacks and so I thought it was the perfect choice for #MatchitMay.

 The second reason is because since volunteering with Hope for Life Katanga, I've seen the great work the charity does. I'm a student and so I've never really been able to donate very much money to charities. That's why I love our latest campaign: Kick-start a Career (#KSAC). 

 #KSAC was launched earlier this year.  It is a campaign dedicated to aiding Ugandan families in becoming self-sustaining by providing training, equipment and loans. Even a small amount can make a huge difference in the #KSAC campaign. Just £1.00 can provide all the thread Hope for Life needs for its sewing machines for a whole month! That's why I felt that this #MatchitMay would be the perfect time for me to contribute.

 At the half-way point of #MatchitMay, I've spent £3 on snacking. I'm really surprised as I assumed I spent a lot more than this on snacks but I know that even this small amount will make a difference to someone's life. It feels pretty great!

 To find out more about #MatchitMay check out the previous blog post and to find out more about #KSAC explore our blog posts!